Home » Andorra » Hiking the Casamanya: A beginner-friendly adventure in the heart of Andorra

Hiking the Casamanya: A beginner-friendly adventure in the heart of Andorra

There are many amazing hikes in Andorra, and one of our favourites is Casamanya. A classic amongst locals, this hilly peak is a relatively easy adventure for the warmer months.

The views from the top are absolutely mind-blowing, as the peak is located in the heart of the country, from where you can admire all the surrounding mountain ranges.

All in all, it’s the perfect hike for a morning with the family, an adventure with friends, or a sunset expedition!

We’ve done it so many times we’ve lost count (!), and here we’ll share all the tips on how to get there, when to go, how the hike is, and more, so you’re ready to enjoy this fantastic hike!

* Post written for the first time in March 2023 and updated in July 2024.

Technical details

🥾 Distance: 3.58 km one way
🟢 Level: Easy-Moderate
⬆️ Elevation gain: 754 m
Duration: Half day. But it depends on the number of stops you make and pictures you take!
🗓 When to go: The hiking season in Andorra usually goes from May to October. Casamanya is usually covered in snow from November to April, so snowshoes, spikes, or mountaineering skis are needed (depending on the amount of snow!).
🧭 Wikiloc track

Wildflowers we found during the hike

Location of Casamanya and how to get there

Casamanya separates the villages of Ordino and Canillo. The route to the peak starts at the parking lot of the mountain pass Coll d’Ordino. You can access it through the mountain road connecting Ordino and Canillo (Carretera de Montaup).

Getting to the trailhead by public transport is a breeze, thanks to the regular bus service that runs from Ordino to the trailhead and back several times a day, as indicated by the blue line on the map.

The hike to the Casamanya Peak

The hike to the Casamanya Peak starts at the mountain pass Coll d’Ordino. Across the parking lot, you’ll see a wooden sign pointing you to the beginning of the route. The hike is marked with yellow dots, so follow them, and you’ll know you’re on the right track!

⚠️ Important!

Be careful in this forest because, as the sign indicates, there are many common monkshood or blue rockets, one of the most toxic plants in Europe. A small dose can be deadly, so you’d better not touch it despite being very pretty!

Sign indicating the path to the peak and the presence of monkshood
At the beginning of the trail, there is a sign indicating the presence of monkshood

For the first half-hour, the path unwinds through a beautiful forest of mountain pines, making this part of the hike very enjoyable.

A person hiking through the forest on her way to the Casamanya Peak
Hiking through the forest during the first part of the hike

You’ll slowly gain altitude and, after about half an hour, leave the forest behind. Your field of vision will open up, and you’ll get the first amazing views of the mountain village of La Massana and the mountain ranges surrounding it.

Time to get to the forest again! Another woody stretch without any difficulty and you’ll soon find yourself leaving the forest for true. From this point onwards, the vegetation disappears, giving place to wide-open spaces.

From here, it seems you can already spot the Casamanya Peak, but it’s just false! One thing about the Casamanya is that there are a lot of hills before reaching the peak. When you’re climbing, it seems you’re close to the peak, but you’ll get to the top of the hill just to see another one in front of you. So don’t be fooled by the false peaks!

Hiking back to the car under a starry sky
What looks like the Casamanya Peak… but it’s not!

You’ll follow the wide mountain ridge, climbing grassy slopes that get steeper and steeper as you gain altitude. Don’t forget to pause and enjoy the breathtaking views!

A hiker climbing to the Casamanya Peak
Hiking to the Casamanya Peak at sunset

As you come to the last part, you’ll encounter a short, steep section. This is the most difficult part of the hike… Don’t worry, though; it will be over before you know it!

From here, you’ll finally be able to spot the peak. There is a pile of stones stacked as a milestone and a small iron monument. Now, it’s just a matter of hiking the last 200 m and getting there.

Casamanya Peak
Casamanya Peak

Once at the top, the views are spectacular. Just imagine a mountain landscape that never ends. You’ll see the Comapedrosa Peak (the highest peak in Andorra) to the west, along with many other peaks of Andorra, Catalonia, and France.

Endless mountain views from the Casamanya Peak
Incredible views from the top

The way back is done following the same track. The whole excursion lasts around 4 hours, and it’s suitable for everyone with energy and motivation!

Things to take into account when hiking Casamanya

🧴 Once you leave the forest, you won’t find any shadow anymore, so grabbing plenty of water, sunscreen (reef-friendly!), and a cap or hat is a great idea. If hiking on a scorching day, starting early in the morning or late in the afternoon might be your best bet to avoid sweating like a pig!

💦 There are no streams or lakes on this trek, so be sure to take enough water with you.

🌬Even though you hike in summer, it’s never a bad idea to take a windproof jacket cause it can be windy on top. Also, an extra layer might come in handy as the weather in the mountains can change quickly.

Adventure upgrade 👌🏼

Want to upgrade your adventure? Then, climb the Casamanya at sunset and enjoy a picnic on top! We promise spectacular views, a wonderful sunset, and many stars on the way down.

The views from the Casamanya Peak at sunset
Views from the Casamanya Peak at sunset

If you do so, don’t forget to grab a head torch (a charged one!), extra snacks, and some layers. Even if you hike in summer, temperatures at night drop drastically, so make sure to factor this in when packing for your trip.

Also, go with plenty of time to get to the peak before sunset. You don’t want to miss the views because you’re still hiking!

The last time we hiked Casamanya, we climbed the peak in time to watch a spectacular sunset. The light was magical as we went up the mountain, and once at the top, we were rewarded with a sky that turned from blue to pink to orange, purple, and intense red. It was so beautiful!

Time to take the snacks out and enjoy a picnic while we watched the Via Pirinenca (an event where residents lighted up over 300 peaks throughout the Pyrenees).

We returned surrounded by darkness and under a starry sky. It was incredible. Also, on the way down, we found many fireflies, which made the experience even more magical.

Hiking the Casamanya peak (Andorra) at night
We hiked back to the car under a starry sky

We hope this guide helps you experience the magic of hiking the Casamanya and enjoy its scenic views. For more ideas on what to do in Andorra and how to plan your trip, check out our entire Andorra collection.

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